Privacy is always a matter in any scale of the architectural entity. We all come to understand how important it is to have some privacy at some point wherever we live. Balconies and gardens also become a subject to privacy. Who likes to be able to be observed any time of the day? So, a number of products, additional elements have been developed to offer some privacy for indoor or outdoor spaces. Bamboo fences are just one of them and definitely worth considering for those who seek a solution that brings beauty and function together.
Get to Know the Bamboo
To start with, let us get to know this plant closer. Bamboos are a diverse group of evergreen perennial flowering plants. The species originally grow in warm and moist, tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates. Most common in South Asia and South America – though they also grow in some parts of Australia, Africa, and in the southern United States and Mexico.
Bamboo has been a widely appreciated material in Asian countries mainly Japan, China, Taiwan, and also India. The use of bamboo in open spaces is very much associated with Asian design, particularly with Japanese Zen gardens, where they are widely used as a decorative element. Recently, it started becoming a choice in the Western world mostly for landscaping purposes as well. This rising popularity is related to its unique qualities of it. The most important ones are being environmentally friendly, resilient, and flexible.
The bamboo is one of the fastest-growing trees in the world – incredibly fast: a bamboo can grow up to 2.91 ft in a day — or, 1.5 inches in an hour as well as being abundant in Asia so it was used as a building material throughout the whole continent for centuries.
Apart from being used as a building material, the plant has various functions. It is possible to utilize the material for producing musical instruments, fabrics, paper pulp, bamboo briquettes, basketry, charcoal, incense sticks, and furniture. The options are endless since bamboo is a highly flexible material.
Bamboo Fences are Environmentally Friendly
Bamboo fencing is likely to be a good choice for a few main reasons: The first is that: Bamboos are environmentally friendly. It is not necessary to uproot the bamboo to harvest. In other words; Harvesting doesn’t kill the plant. Bamboos are easier to grow and take a shorter time to harvest than timber. This is the main reason why bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials. At this point, it is necessary to highlight the fact that: We live in an age in which sustainability is always an issue in many industries. Apart from environmental issues, another good news is that: Bamboos are known for their resilience. They are extremely resistant to rain, snow, heat, and UV rays.
It is Possible to Adapt Bamboo Fencing to Balconies
Even though Bamboo fencing is very much associated with Asian-style gardening, they are not only for Japanese or Malaysian-style gardens. It is possible to adapt them to small balconies as well. Indeed, fencing made of bamboo material has the potential to create a perfectly cozy and shadowy atmosphere with the look of varying colors. Bamboos are originally in varying colors as nature itself so evoking an exotic connection with nature. Painting bamboos with spray paints could be an idea to share yet, most commonly bamboos are in their original color in fencing and industrial objects as well such as furniture which is most probably related to their authenticity.
Painting is not the only choice for the users who like to personalize the elements. Combining the fence with LED lights in various designs or plants is another great idea to add even more authenticity to the space. It is up to the user’s choice.
Bamboo Canopies are Nice too
Yet, fencing is not the only option to add privacy and create a more cozy atmosphere in open spaces. Bamboo canopies are another good idea and they are simply more functional than they look. When it comes to the canopies, let us underline that: Privacy is not the only issue. Apart from adding privacy to the space, they are advisable for adding warmth. Another important point is to be able to have a barrier from undesirable hot weather.
How to Protect from Wind
Bamboos have pros and cons just like any material in the world. Since bamboo is a quite light material, not perfect for users who live in quite windy areas. The solution could be to support bamboo stalks bound by a galvanized steel wire or any other sturdier fence to protect the fence from strong winds.
How Much Bamboo Fencing Costs?
We need to let you know that, bamboo fencing is not quite affordable choice for those who do not live in tropical regions. In other words, the price is all about the availability of the material depending on the geography, yet 100 dollars per pack of 25 fence sections is likely to cover the price.
Where to Buy One?
For those who like their flexibility and aesthetic character of them; There is a high chance to order fencing made of bamboo online on ebay or Amazon or buy in a close store due to its rising popularity. Another good news is that: Installing one is likely to be simpler than expected. It is possible to make one in 3 practical steps: Cutting, connecting, and strengthening. Framing can lengthen the process however it is definitely optional.

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