Croton plant is a kind of flowering plant that mostly decorates indoor spaces. Because it could be dangerous that it takes place in public areas and most visited places except for wild nature due to its toxicity. Croton plant has various names keeping changing from country to country. A few familiar names are, for example, rushfoil, croton tree, Joseph’s coat, and garden croton. Also, its botanic name is Codiaeum Variegatum. This plant is originated in Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Islands.
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General information
Croton plant typically has herbaceous stemmed and dark green foliage with yellow veined, besides, it becomes sometimes bushy or palm look according to pruning. Also, there are those with pink variegated. It blooms either white or yellow under tropic conditions. However, people growing such plants prefer because of the beauty of leaves just like Dumb Cane. When it comes to the dimension of this plant, its length could reach up to 10 ft (3 m). In terms of the life cycle, the Croton plant is a perennial plant. As a warning, it could be dangerous to pets(dogs & cats) in case of ingestion just like Coral Bead Plant.
images via: Oficina Manual
How to Care for Codiaeum Variegatum
Sunlight: As a general rule, direct sunlight may be dangerous specifically all day long exposure. As for this plant, it needs roughly daily 7-hour direct sunlight.
Watering: In particular, purified water is necessary. In spring and summer, it needs regular watering. But in winter, sparsely watering will be enough due to being dormant.
Humidity: Croton plant likes high humid settings. For that reason, means producing humid should be used for this plant one way or another. For example, humidifiers, a wet tray filled with pebbles, and water spray may be reasonable alternatives.
Temperature: Ideal temperatures for such plants are between 65°F 80°F (18°C – 27°C). Also, it can resist down to 60°F (15°C) at a certain time. According to the USDA plant hardiness map, to grow such plants, 9, 10, and 11 zones are better.
Soil Type: Potting soils should be well-drained and well-ventilated. To thrive it better, organic matters should be ample in the potting soil. For instance, peat, perlite, and sand mixture could work best.
Fertilizer: Rather than a liquid fertilizer, granular fertilizer could be the better alternative. In its growing season, fertilizing it once a fortnight will suffice.
Propagation: There are a few propagation ways. But, stem cutting is a great way to propagate this plant.
Repotting: In emergency cases such as a cracked pot or overgrown plant, repotting should be done immediately. Except for these situations, repotting requires in spring in general. Also, pruning is optional in its care schedule. As usual, the second pot should be bigger than the current one. For example, if the current pot is a coconut planter, the second pot must be a lego container.
images via: villa clara nursery
Common Problems
Discoloration on leaves: It stems from an insufficient amount of light in general. Differently, as the Croton plant ages, it starts darkening.
Brown leaf tips: Too long direct sunlight exposure, dry air, and dry potting soil could give rise to this problem.
Insect infestation: Mealybugs, scales, and other harmful little insect is the real enemy to this plant. Not being too late is important in this problem. Because brown spots occur due to these insects.
The fall of leaves: It could stem from an insufficient amount of watering and also persistently being changed its position. Specifically, keep changing its position affects this plant seriously due to increasing the stress level.
Suggestions for problems: For discoloration of leaves, you should find the correct position to thrive better. If possible, rotate it 180 degrees every other day. In terms of aesthetic look, brown leaf tips are n0t that nice. For that reason, cut the brown part of leaves and go on its routine care. Insect-infested plants cannot survive for long-term neglect. To prevent it, use alcohol-based wipes and insecticidal soaps. When it comes to the fall of leaves, designate a correct and constant spot.
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