Pigeons are lovely animals and essential to the ecological system of mother nature. This does not mean that they can not be a highly problematic pest. Indeed, they do cause a lot of mess and damage to the balconies and roofs. What’s more, they have a tendency to carry diseases by their feces. So these simply explain why they are known as “the rats of the sky”. In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of pigeons from your roof and keep them away without harming them. Here are 6 simple, effective, and animal-friendly ways to keep the pigeons away from the open spaces of your home.
1. Install a Deterrent
To start with, installing deterrents such as; wire coils, stainless steel wires, and spikes is one of the most common methods to deal with pigeons perching on the balconies or roofs. It is an effective way which is advantageous for being low-cost and quite practical to install. Pigeons will be deterred from perching on particular surfaces by these elements, yet, it is better to note that: They will not completely give up on being an intruder. Remember that pigeons are intelligent creatures. They’ll learn to avoid areas where the deterrent elements are installed over a period of time. It is possible for birds to utilize these to make nests when it is laid along horizontal surfaces under a roof or against another wall. That is why pigeon spikes work best on ledges open to the sky.
Lastly, Although Spikes designed to keep pigeons away work well, they do have the potential to be highly dangerous for physically harming the birds. So, the best is to only choose spikes made of soft plastic materials rather than metal spikes. In addition, the plastic polycarbonate material is advantageous for being durable, long-lasting, and requiring very little effort for maintenance. Another point is that: the material is translucent, so impossible to notice the birds from a distance. Lastly, it does not interfere with the views, therefore, does not ruin the aesthetics of your open space.
2. Install a Pigeon Net
Netting is, by a simple definition, a form of a physical boundary that does not let any birds in your open space. It is one of the ways to seal off spaces above barn rafters and other potential roosting spots. Let us remind you that: Netting is an effective way, yet may not be the most affordable option. It also makes an effort to install it. Another point when it comes to netting: It is risky compared to the other ways since the birds can possibly get entangled in it and get fatally injured. That is why this method is not highly recommended.
However, if you choose to go with this way, the recommendation is to prevent birds from picking at the netting through the mesh, leave at least 15 cm between the netting and the nearest branch or shrub. It is better to install it at a steep angle to prevent birds from landing on it.
3. Place a Scarecrow
Scarecrows are another form to deter pigeons by imitation. These elements could be common in the form of a raptor such as a hawk, raven, owl, or rubber snake. They are made of plastic materials. However, we should let you know that the effects may not be long-lasting since pigeons are intelligent animals, They can come to understand at some point that the plastic dummy that is standing is not a real animal. Therefore it could be a good idea to move the scarecrow or place another deterrent in a few weeks.
4. Use an Ultrasound Pigeon Repeller
Another great idea to check out could be using an ultrasound repeller without harming the pigeons. Birds have a great sense of hearing, they can hear higher and lower frequencies than people. It basically means it is possible to keep them away by the sounds that the human ear cannot detect. The device makes them think that there is a potential danger in that space, therefore, keep them away. Yet, there is a point to point out: Birds are likely to acclimate to these sounds over a period of time. This means the effect may not be long-lasting but it is worth giving it a try.
5. Place Reflective Surfaces
Using reflective surfaces is probably the most common method since it is the easiest and low-cost. Hanging aluminum foil or CDs, wind chimes, or anything that reflects light works well to keep pigeons away from your balcony or roof since pigeons are quite disturbed by light reflections. For those who do not like the idea of hanging CDs or aluminum foils, let us inform you that: There is a designated product for this purpose. Reflective bird repellent tape is likely to be found easily in a variety of shops, suppliers in many parts of the world. The tape has a surface that is completely reflective and shiny and so it causes a visual disturbance that pigeons can not bear with. The flash tape moves in the breeze and, eventually works well scaring and annoying the birds by making a crinkling sound.
6. Apply a Repellent Gel to Roosting Surfaces of Pigeons
Bird repellent gels are in the form of colorless silicone and are frequently employed by pest control professionals. The sticky substance is one of the ways to keep birds from settling. This petroleum-based gel is non-toxic and stays sticky for weeks in a variety of weather conditions. It’s almost undetectable by them because it’s a clear gel. This can be used to keep pigeons off the roof and other areas where people and pets do not usually walk in. This method is safe to keep pigeons away without harming them, but it’s important to follow the directions exactly. The best is to avoid distributing the gel all over a surface to prevent birds from getting stuck and harming themselves. In a summary, there are quite humane ways which are also simple and effective to deal with the pigeons, so the best is not to harm them.