Green Velvet Alocasia is an elegant plant taking a significant place in the plant kingdom. That is why it decorates both indoor and outdoor spaces as a cultivar. With its fascinating look, it incorporates a fabulous ambiance to the setting. Also, such plants are quite suitable to be a focal point of any place. Besides, it has names such as African Mask, Elephant Ear Plant, and Alocasia Frydek. What is more, its scientific name is Alocasia Micholitziana. Aside from these, this plant is originated from tropic Asia and eastern Australia. Just like Bird’s Nest Fern, it also purifies the air from airborne toxins.
General information
Green Velvet Alocasia typically has independent relatively large dark green foliage and decumbent stems due to the leaf’s weight. When looking closely at foliage, branched white veins are quite apparent and have a cordate and sagittate shape in general. Also, its leaves are broad as Arrowhead Plant. As for flowering, white spathe and mild green spadix are seen in nature in summer. Conversely, it doesn’t bloom under indoor conditions in general. But rather such plants display their beauty thanks to their foliage. Green Velvet Alocasia can reach up to 3 ft. However, some species could be found up to 20 ft in nature. In terms of its lifespan, this houseplant is perennial. According to some views, the bulb part of its some species is edible. But it is toxic for pets in general. So it is worth a try.
How to Care For Green Velvet Alocasia
Sunlight: For up to 2 hours, direct sunlight is harmless. But over 2 hours can be dangerous for Alocasia. As a solution, partial shade places getting scattered sunlight is proper for this plant.
Watering: As a general rule, Alocasia likes weekly regular watering. Particularly, the water must evenly reach almost everywhere of the potting soil. Also, mind the stagnant water and avoid overwatering. But in winter conditions, it needs less water due to being dormant.
Humidity: This houseplant likes high humidity. To ensure it, there are a few means to increase the amount of humidity in the setting. For example, they are electronic humidifiers, trays filled with wet pebbles, and water sprays.
Temperature: The range 65°F – 75°F (18°C – 24°C) is optimal for Green Velvet Alocasia. Above all, it can resist down to 55°F (13°C). But, sub-zero temperatures lead to death quickly. According to the USDA plant hardiness map, it lives better in 9-11 regions.
Soil Type: Well-draining and well-ventilated soils ensure the plant breathes comfortably. For example, some soils with high porosity could be an alternative. Besides, peat-based or humus-based potting soil mixes are effective.
Fertilizer: Water-soluble balanced fertilizers should come first. In that way, they thrive on this houseplant fast in its growing season. Specifically, ones that are half-strength are more effective. Adding bi-weekly will suffice.
Propagation: Among a few propagation ways, division could be an option. Alternatively, planting the bulb seems more reasonable.
Repotting: Once two years in the spring months, repotting could require. The mature ones don’t need such work. The latter pot should be larger than the current pot. For example, you can replace an animal planter with a Moroccan-style concrete planter. Or a clay pot could be an advantageous choice. To clarify, it gradually dries the soil while holding the moisture.
Common Problems
Brown leaf tips: It stems from an insufficient amount of humidity in the setting. Or dry air could occur this problem in general.
Pest infestation: Some little harmful bugs such as red spiders, mites, aphids, scales can bring this houseplant to the verge of death. Specifically, they cause brown spots on leaves. For that reason, early treatment saves the plant.
Wilted foliage: Generally, two possible factors lead to this problem. First of all, it can stem from overwatering. In this situation, you should check the roots if they are alive or not. If the roots are alright, changing the soil will be enough. Secondly, insufficient light and less watering can also give rise to this problem.
Suggestions for problems: As for brown leaf tips, such an untidy look spoil the whole surprise of indoor decoration. Therefore, you had better cut them. Provided enough humidity, they are going to grow back. On the other hand, to fight pests, you can wipe your leaves weekly. Also, there are some effective means such as neem oils and pesticides. As the last problem, wilted foliage stems from both overwatering and underwatering. So you should check the roots first. After routine watering in a certain time, the plant will get over this problem quickly.