Did you know that collecting pebbles is not merely a relaxing outdoor activity, it can also give birth to an artistic decorative object that colors the ambiance in your home? There is no end to DIY ideas in nowadays home design, Pebble art objects are by a simple definition one them to transform pebbles collected in nature and combine other natural materials such as pieces of woods or stones into an artistic hand made object. Feel free to get inspired by ideas that we share or choose to create your own design by using creativity to your taste!
1) Materials for Pebble Art Ideas
It all starts in nature. In the first step; the main materials that you will need to gather while strolling around will be; pebbles, twigs, and stones. It is possible to find them in the simplest and smallest backyard.
Searching for needed objects and collecting the found ones in nature is a thrilling leisure activity and sounds to be the most enjoyable part of the process. Picking objects in a variety of sizes and shapes will offer your design diversity and help you be more creative while playing with them.
Remember that they will end up being glued to a board, so thinner and lighter stones are likely to adhere better. The stones will also look better within the frame if they aren’t too far out from the frame. It could be an idea to make a drawing initially that portrays your design and follow each step according to the drawing, or alternatively just take pebbles and twigs, start placing as desired and add colored stones and let the process shape the outcome work.
2) Painting the Pebbles
Painting the stones in colors up to your taste is another thrilling step. For painting the stones; you can use craft paint. As an alternative, let’s point out that some pebble art lovers prefer chalky paint. In case you do not have any of these, try out nail polish.
3) A Wooden Board or White Cardstock As the Base for the Pebbles
You can choose to use the board as it is or paint it in your favorite colors. Layout your pieces on the board to experiment with placement before gluing them. You will witness that playing with pieces will mainly shape your design process.
Add some pencil drawing by using some magic markers, or harmonizing the materials with watercolor paintings is another idea and likely to be appealing as well. When you feel satisfied with the look of your work, it means it is time for gluing; Choose an effective glue and hold each of the objects for around 10 seconds to secure their positions.
4) Framing the Pebble Art
Since it offers enough depth to fit all the materials, consider using a shadow-box style frame with the glass. The last step is; lay your work flat and give it one night to dry. The outcome work possibly ranges from a simple kite to a picture of a happy family or a silhouette of romantic lovers. It should be an idea to note that making a city skyline by using pebbles could be interesting as well. Remember that do-it-yourself objects are priceless gifts for someone special.