Taking place in the Mallow family, Flowering Maple is one of the gorgeous plants to decorate indoors. Apart from its common name, it has a lot of alternative names such as Indian mallow, Velvetleaf, Room maple, Parlor maple, and so on. Its scientific name is Abutilon. This houseplant also possesses plenty of varieties. That’s why it is found in almost every tropic and subtropic area in the world. What makes this plant relatively different than other plants is its vulnerable nature. Even if its care sounds difficult, there are easy tips and ways to make it easy.
General information
Flowering Maple is a plant that has downward-looking variegated orange blooms just like overhead lighting and is relatively bushy. Its flower color may change according to its cultivars. This herbaceous plant usually seems big bushy. The position of flowers on branches reminds people of a Christmas tree in general. Also, these plants could reach up to 10 ft (3 m) provided care properly. Furthermore, it is a perennial evergreen plant like Scarlet Star and Peace Lily. By the way, the foliage of this houseplant is mildly poisonous to people who contact it.
How to Care for Abutilon
Direct sunlight burns the whole plant, including all leaves. Generally, it starts turning brown gradually in case of long-time direct sunlight exposure. For that reason, it should be protected from such situations. For example, sheltered spaces and semi-shade locations would be appropriate for this houseplant.
Before watering the plant, you should check if the soil is dry or wet. If wet, you mustn’t water it because it may lead to overwatering-related root rotting. So This houseplant needs weekly watering. In winter, it goes dormant. For that reason, it should be watered sparingly in these times.
Belonging to a tropical area, they like high humidity. To provide such conditions, you may use electronic humidifiers, trays with wet pebbles, water sprays. On top of that, sphagnum moss poles do a great job in such kinds of plants. Notably, this support bar suits plants with herbaceous branches more in general.
The optimal temperature range for this plant is 50°F – 55°F (10°C – 13°C). Cold drafts and sudden temperature drops could kill the plant. For that reason, they should be protected from such harsh conditions. According to the USDA plant hardiness map, it grows well in zones 9 and 10.
Soil Type
The good potting soil combinations are, for example, perlite, vermiculite, pumice, peat, sphagnum moss, and so on. Well-mixed potting soils are sold in landscaping and gardening stores. Apart from that, you may make your potting soil mix in your garden.
Planter Type
Medium-sized planters and containers would be useful for large bushy plants.
Fertilizers that are mostly applied are, for instance, slow-releasing, quick-releasing, granular, and liquid. For this houseplant, you may administer half-diluted water-soluble fertilizers monthly in its growing seasons (spring and summer).
For shortcut propagation, you may cut a branch with three leaves at least.
In the case of outgrown plants and tangled roots, you have to replace its pot. The second pot should be larger than the first one. Before the moment when you change the pot, you should water the soil the night before. If not watered, the roots could enter shock.
Common Problems
Leggy stems and branches: Generally, lack of light causes this problem because the plant wants to get its leaves to reach the light. Therefore, branches grow thin.
Pale leaves and petals: Overwatering leads to such unintended consequences in general. In this situation, the soil loses a lot of oxygen. Therefore, roots suffocate. Gradually, roots cannot convey the necessary oxygen to the upper parts of the plant. Then the whole plant goes pale.
Pest infestation: There are a few harmful pests that destroy the plant. Here, they are aphids, whiteflies, mites, red spiders, and so on Usually, dry and improper conditions cause such problems.
Suggestions for problems
To prevent leggy branches, you should ensure the proper light for this houseplant. Also, you should be careful about direct sunlight. Overwatering is one of the common mistakes. To avoid that mistake, you should stick to the plant’s watering routine. When it comes to pest-infested plants, you may use alcohol-based wipes, herbal oils, and eco-friend pesticides.
Suggestions for the beginners
One of the most ignored details in the plant growing is overwatering. Even though the water means life for all livings but too much of it could kill the plant. For that reason, beginners had better follow the usual watering routine.