Outdoor places constitute a very important part of our homes because of the need for fresh air. As outdoor places, balconies and terraces are both comfortable and suitable to turn them into a different place. For example, you can turn your balcony or terrace into an amazing outdoor jacuzzi with the help of a folding or sliding glass window systems, hot tub, seats, and other accessories.
1) Hot Tub on Balcony
As mentioned above, you should first get the hermetically sealed glass window system for your balcony in order to build a beautiful outdoor jacuzzi. If you want to turn your terrace into a jacuzzi, you might not need a closed window system. As a second step, you may decide your balcony hot tub that should be compatible with the measurements of your balcony or terrace. There is various type of hot tubs, so you should be careful about the features and properties of the product before you buy. For example, some hot tubs can be synchronized to your phone or tablet with mobile applications. Therefore, it would be easy to manage the different features of a hot tube with any mobile device.
2) Surroundings of Hot Tub
Apart from the hot tub, you should decide on the seat bench and storage. This depends on your balcony or terrace measurements and your imagination as well. As you see in the photos below, there is a bench close to the window, which can also be used as towel storage. Besides, you can see the modern type jacuzzi fireplace on the opposite of bench storage. Keep in mind that the surface of your outdoor jacuzzi should have a non-slip and durable wooden surfaces.
Furthermore, in order to enhance your overall outdoor jacuzzi experience, you can arrange the general look of your hot tub. For this, you can use a hot tub cover and steps, cup holders, spa pillows, towel warmer and etc. Moreover, you can build a mini bar in your balcony jacuzzi. This will provide you with a more quality spa experience.
3) Benefits of Jacuzzi
- Improvements in the quality of sleep
- Relief from pain and muscle strain
- Reduce the stress level
- Healthy working blood circulation
- Good for metabolism disorders
- Good for skin pores
- A natural way for skin rejuvenation
In addition to balcony or terrace jacuzzi ideas, they can also be used or designed as a kitchen and laundry room for the purpose of adding your balcony or terrace extra functions. As you see in the photos, you can enjoy your outdoor jacuzzi in different seasons.
Images Sources: Atelier do Zero, lundin, holiday apartments, delikatissen