Although vertical architecture is a bad idea for homes, it can have creative consequences for a vertical garden. Unlike large balconies, it is difficult to design small balconies, although it is less costly. Because there are few areas where you can place your design products. There is a way you can overcome these kinds of problems. One of the sensible solutions is to use vertical decorative furniture. There is a wide variety of materials that can be placed on the balcony walls.
1) Using Pallet on Vertical Garden
First of all, pallets are the most popular of the materials often used for vertical gardening. Thanks to the pallets, you can create a small garden where you can place your flower pots. Using wood in vertical designs will provide you with a unique and soft look. You can achieve a long-lasting design with densified wood. In addition to that, flowerpot compartments can be added to the vertical pallets as the area allows. The more pots you have, the more variety of flowers you can plant. In this way, your balcony will look colorful.
2) Sharp/Soft Corners with Iron
Another material that can be used is iron when you are decorating your balcony as a vertical garden. You can beautify your small balcony by shaping the iron in harmony with your balcony. Iron is a material that is difficult to maintain but can last for many years. You can use stands with sharp corners. Alternatively, trellis stands have a more attractive appearance.
3) Signed Planter on Vertical Garden
With signed planters, you can customize your own balcony even more. Just as an example, you can write the names of the family members on the flower pots. In addition to that, you might also write the scientific/known names of the flowers in the planters.